Watch them sticking together poster in hand knife in heart Laugh at them moving together in the last frontier of a democracy The city square The extraordinary marketplace the emblem of a freedom yet not stolen The only place where the town can gather and see other human beings Buy. The park, the lawn Where talk need not be surveyed And collective demonstration can still be deemed meaningful. Where marathoners run and cancer activists walk prostitutes stand at night old women talk Poets stare at the glamorous magnification of chaos that is the city. Beggars die everyday Drunkards lie Revolters die occasionally in a theatrical way In death is the point they make for the living. The only response you can have is to hold hands and walk No ear is waiting No complaint is read All your complaints are uni dimensional Unaddressed, unanswered, glorified. Don't forget to take the whole kit: Sheets, markers, hatred Canes, candles and matches Well chos...
Mostly I brush life off my shoulder when it falls gently from a tree, or when it grows from my shirt like lint. Mostly i sigh it away like a laugh from an unfounded joke or a waft of extra air in speech. Except sometimes.