Narrative more than the art of being
An opportunity to rewrite unfinished stories
limp reality of a wimpering act
Courage and love appearing at will
allowing you to twist the history of
your own experience
Out of shape.
To help elevate an accelerating heart
to passionate compulsion
and the scream of endorphins
to an irretrievable, contorted tale of
A pretentious moth to an imaginary flame.
Willfully attracting itself to a known threat
Willfully dying of feigned ignorance
And a deep seated desire of finding,
in the narrative -
An opportunity to rewrite unfinished stories
limp reality of a wimpering act
Courage and love appearing at will
allowing you to twist the history of
your own experience
Out of shape.
To help elevate an accelerating heart
to passionate compulsion
and the scream of endorphins
to an irretrievable, contorted tale of
A pretentious moth to an imaginary flame.
Willfully attracting itself to a known threat
Willfully dying of feigned ignorance
And a deep seated desire of finding,
in the narrative -