i trusted you with my name
when i taught it to you
you, the you
in the second person
that has become my dialogical self
speech that is either self directed
or directed at the Other
our stories could be anyone's
with enough empathy
but our name and our skin
are only ours, and our skin
dies with us
but our name
it can be flung
around as nebulous identity
and it can be hidden
and thereby forgotten
as would be in death.
i should not have trusted you
with my name when
i taught it to you.
when i taught it to you
you, the you
in the second person
that has become my dialogical self
speech that is either self directed
or directed at the Other
our stories could be anyone's
with enough empathy
but our name and our skin
are only ours, and our skin
dies with us
but our name
it can be flung
around as nebulous identity
and it can be hidden
and thereby forgotten
as would be in death.
i should not have trusted you
with my name when
i taught it to you.