suddenly one day there'll be
an unnanounced energy.
your tongue will taste like gold,
your heart will be lifted by a swarm
of hurtling butterflies
there will be dream clouds
in colours yet undiscovered to you
swimming in your brain
the smells of
fluorescent pollen will cloud
your rivers
and everyday will suddenly reach
a thick and unknown density.
the brightness of the world will not be
possible to actually harness.
the knowledge of this fading
and the impending silence,
and the exit of this silence too,
will not help.
until that day there is just
an unnanounced energy.
your tongue will taste like gold,
your heart will be lifted by a swarm
of hurtling butterflies
there will be dream clouds
in colours yet undiscovered to you
swimming in your brain
the smells of
fluorescent pollen will cloud
your rivers
and everyday will suddenly reach
a thick and unknown density.
the brightness of the world will not be
possible to actually harness.
the knowledge of this fading
and the impending silence,
and the exit of this silence too,
will not help.
until that day there is just